Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome to this Private Auction!

My family loves games, board games, card games, word games, art games.  Occasionally, my mother will go to the local thrift store and pick up a new game.  On one such occasion, she brought home a game called Masterpiece.  It is a unique game wherein the player trades, buys and sells paintings to create the best and most valuable gallery.  Being exposed to postcard sized reproductions of such famous paintings, I naturally chose favorites.  Regardless of whether they were forgeries or not, I would always try to have these paintings in my gallery:

Edward Hopper's Nighthawks

The Herring Net by Winslow Homer
Paris Street; Rainy Day by Gustave Caillebotte

The Advance-Guard by Frederick Remington
The Long Leg another Edward Hopper
 Like any of these?  Prefer another panting?  Comment below.

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