Flux ★★★★
Ever changing rules are the trade mark of this game-even the goal changes. As the rules are in flux, the players are continually adjusting.
Collect Keepers, Obey Rules, and Have Fun.
2-6 players
The spawn of parent game Scrabble, this high-action version takes the game off the board. All players simultaneously create crossword-esque webs of tiles. The first one to go out after all the tiles are drawn wins!
2+ players--the more players, the quicker the rounds!
Balderdash ★★★★★
Truth is stranger than fiction! Players advance along the board by writing the most convincing answers to each card- whether it is peculiar people, incredible initials, marvelous movies, weird words, or laughable laws. The bluffs and gathered and read along with the odd-yet true- answer and players try to guess truth from fiction.
2+ players
Imagine If... ★★★★★
Cards are in the format below:
Imagine if...(Susan) were a type of cookie which would she be?
a) chocolate chip
b) snicker doodle
c) peanut butter
d) Oreo
e) biscotti
All players would vote by secret ballot and the majority rules, no matter what the inserted name (me, in this example) votes. Learn to think like your opponents and move around the board. 3-8 players (but who says you can't have more...) This by far the best party game I've played.
Fill or Bust ★★★★★
"You roll your dice, move your mice, nobody gets hurt!" That is a different game. Similar to Yahtzee!, you roll the six dice and score points. Each card gives an extra bonus for the turn, or gives you a chance to back-stab an opponent and rob them of points!
1+ players
Played any of these? Like any others you think I ought to have included?
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